Our History
Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries was established in 2008 with the purpose of providing missionaries and ministries a central organization that could attend to the needs of those working in Honduras for the advancement of God’s Kingdom through networking, resource sharing, national covering, as well as support for the well-being of the missionary body.
The founding principle was to establish a regional extension of The Fellowship Network based in Dallas, Texas, to serve its members. Soon, God moved in a way to broaden that vision and to start a fellowship of all missionaries independently here in Honduras. Although Honduran Fellowship is an autonomous NGO here in Honduras, it is still covered spiritually through The Fellowship Network. Honduran Fellowship is a non-governing body, meaning we only reserve the right to govern membership and dealings within the organization and do not interfere with the ministry calling nor organizations of its members. We are here to serve you, the servers, with a place where people from all denominations can work together.