& Discipleship
Alan & Julie Topper
Harvesting Hearts in Honduras | Campamento
Rice & beans ministry to facilitate door-to-door evangelism
Support and encourage existing churches
Church planting
Brad & Cristy Lenderman
Hope Through Him Ministries | El Progreso
Bring the helpless, hurting, and hopeless HOPE through the love and teachings of Jesus
Dream Center in downtown El Progreso
Feeding centers in 2 remote communities
Leadership program for elementary-age students in Campo Llano
Education partnerships to assist in furthering education
Coffee Shop in El Progreso (Cafe Esperanza) "Where everyone belongs"
Cheryl & Jim Shoffstall
Right Turn Ministries | San Pedro Sula
Nurturing the spiritual and physical needs of the people of Honduras through 4 very clear, basic tactics: Feeding the Spirit, Nourishing the Body, Educating the Mind, and Life Improvement Sustainability
Establish and support small group in-home Bible Studies
Provide meals for those attending Bible Studies
Provide educational opportunities for the children whose parents are active participants in Bible Study groups
Offer Life Improvement Sustainability opportunities for those in the community
Christopher Ellis
Knowing Love Ministries | La Ceiba
Creating a system of ministry training schools that teach faith and how to operate in the gift of the Holy Spirit
Holding crusades in 3 cities in Honduras
Darrell DeLay
Helping Honduras Kids | Roatan
Love the unloved, give faith to the faithless, and hope to the hopeless
Meet spiritual and physical needs
Educate this generation and the next in ways to make them more productive for their future
Equip Hondurans to support their families without having to leave their country in search of a better life
Prepare and disciple Hondurans in God's word so they can learn how to fulfill the calling God has over their lives
David & Hannah Mora
SCORE International | San Pedro Sula
To glorify God through missions in obedience to the Great Commission
Intensive discipleship course for local churches
One-day camps in private/public schools
Evangelism & purity seminars
Hosting US and foreign teams
David & Heather Granada
Bread for the Bight | Roatan
Church plant
Building relationships, worship, Bible study, prayer
Feeding program
Helping to meet the need of impoverished people
David Koch
Lighthouse Ministries, Inc. | Comayagua
Make disciples of the revelation of Jesus Christ
Education, teaching, and service of any who are interested in the pursuit of a true and connected relationship with Jesus Christ
Gene & Robin Trask
Prers Watla Baptis Dawan Bila (Iglesia Bautista de la Biblia) | Cauquira
Reach the lost in the region of La Moskitia, through personal daily witness and passing out tracts, Bibles, and scripture portion
Strengthening and helping Prers Watla Baptis Dawan Bila and other Baptist churches in this area by preaching the Word, teaching Bible doctrines, and practical Christian living
Teaching young people and children in Sunday School and children's programs (choir, camps, special activities, etc.)
Training Miskito men to be pastors, deacons, and spiritual leaders in the church and their homes, thru the Instituto Biblico Bautista Miskito
Gene & Robin Willis
Heart of the King Ministries | La Esperanza
Sharing the heart of the King, Jesus Christ, by teaching and demonstrating Biblical truths to see people set free from their past and walk forward in a relationship with our heavenly Father
Assisting other missionaries with their vision
Seeking the Lord as we plan ministry activities
Greg & Jean Hines
FHD Missions | La Campa
Working together to responsibly meet physical and spiritual needs by providing advanced education opportunities, Bible teaching, and evangelism with a focus on people with physical disabilities of all ages
Evangelism & outreach
Student scholarships
Short-term mission teams
Hee-sung & JungLeen Ahn Park
Onna Mission, Asociacion Iglesia Coreana Evangelica de Honduras | San Pedro Sula
Planting the vision of God in the hearts of all generations in Honduras and serving as stepping stones to all who desire to plant that vision here in Honduras
Church planting throughout Honduras
Equipping and aiding pastors through seminary schools (Esperanza, Trinidad)
Raising future leaders through various ministries: Bilingual School Hosanna in Maranon, Pastors Kids ministry, Children ministry, Pastoral Ministry with pastors from Cortes Area
Engaging with local pastors for compassion ministry, prison ministries, and single-mom ministry
James & Sandra Murphy
James (Dalton) & Jennifer Hines
Inter-American Restoration Corporation | Santa Ana
Spreading the Word of God through leading, teaching, and living as an example of Jesus’ love through our actions
Discipleship/church strengthening
Retreat center
Men's educational programs
Youth spiritual strengthening & retreats
Jessica Ozanne de Ruiz & Rene Ruiz
Joshua & Paulet Otte
Hope In Time Ministries | Taulabe
Supporting and disciplining Hondurans to understand and walk in their God given dignity of being made in His image and empowering them to empower others to do the same
Improve communities through outreach programs such as: digging wells, fixing roofs, pouring cement floors, providing running water to homes, water filters, education scholarships
Keith & Vickie Crowder
A Call Inc | Siguatepeque
To share the Gospel and be the hands & feet of Jesus Christ
Pastoral training
Feeding Program
Youth programs
Starting a Christian Campground
Kevin & Cynthia Johnson
The Garden Mission | Siguatepeque
Cultivating creation by means of gardens and the Gospel in order to feed the hungry, make disciples, and restore hope
Children's Feeding Program
Poverty Alleviation
Discipleship groups within the community
Kimberly Pate
In the Midst Ministries | Talanga
To evangelize and disciple the people of Honduras by living life in the midst of them
Church planting
Kyle & Shannon Kilchrist
Kingdom Missions - Honduras | Siguatepeque
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples who will make disciples, serving God’s people both spiritually and physically, and being the “hands and feet of Jesus.”
Evangelism and discipleship
Bible studies
Strengthening local churches
English classes
Skills training
Youth programs
Short-term mission teams
Larry & Marsha Bannister
Hope for the World Honduras | Tegucigalpa
Meet the physical and most importantly the spiritual needs of the Honduran people
School Feeding ministry
Discipleship classes
Community outreach
Mark & Vilma Hull
Servants of the King Ministry | Choluteca
Create multitudes of churches that are discipled, trained, equipped, and capable to go and win and disciple multitudes of souls for Jesus Christ
Public School Bible Project (Proyecto Amor)
Church plants
Housing projects
Child Sponsorship
Evangelism and Pastoral Training
Michelle Crotts
Ministerio Pasos/Campamento Bautista Converge | Tegucigalpa
Provide quality Christian camping experiences to people with disabilities throughout Honduras, giving them the opportunity to participate in new experiences, socialize, have fun, learn and grow in Christ in an environment of safety, accessibility, inclusion, and love
Design and lead camps for the disabled community
Development of Campamento Bautista Converge
Train volunteer leaders
Lead ladies Bible study
Moon Jae Choi
Evangelism ministry | Las Flores
Evangelizing villages without churches to show the love of God and Jesus Christ
House visits to build relationships
Worship services
Music and soccer activities
Paul & Kay Newby
Mercy in Motion | Balfate
Empowering local pastors, and demonstrating the love of Jesus through community outreach
Church planting
Medical missions
Discipleship and training
Pastoral support
Randel & Esperanza Parker
Honduras Bible and Trade School | La Ceiba
Minister the gospel and help with provisions and any other way possible
Teaching Bible and English
Sam & Peggy Feazel
Ignite Missions | Tatumbla
Reading villages for Christ and training them to disciple others
Women's retreats
Pastoral training
Youth and children events
Tai Heon Ham
Always Together In Jesus / Siempre Juntos en Jesus | Las Flores
Evangelizing villages without churches to show the love of God and Jesus Christ
House visits to build relationships
Worship services
Music and soccer activities
Youth group service
Bible and English classes
Tiffany Mares
Via Love International | San Pedro Sula
To serve and support local churches that have God-given vision preparing and empowering them to reach their communities for Christ
Leadership development
Resource Development
Worship ministries
Timothy & Maria Setliff
A New Kind of Dad Ministries | La Ceiba
Demonstrating and sharing the love of Jesus
Church Sunday School teacher training program
Weekly children's ministry for evangelism and discipleship
Food bags for Christmas outreach
Clothing ministry.