Administrative & Support Staff - Practical support for a ministry. This could include office work, administration, and other minstry support.
Child, Youth, & Family - This is not a children's home. This includes ministry to children, women, men, and families, such as camps, sports ministries, support for abused children and women, feeding programs, trade schools, educational sponsorship, and Bible classes in public schools.
Church Ministry, Pastoring, & Church Planting - For those serving in a local church, such as a pastor or minister. Also includes those planting or starting churches or involved in local church ministry in some way, such as small groups and Bible studies, children's ministry, worship and evangelism to the community through the work of the local church.
Community Development - Providing skills and resources to the local community and development of local community leaders. Ministries include: agricultural projects and development, aquaponics systems, practical skills and job training, microloans for small business, water projects, and adult educational development.
Counseling & Inner Healing - Counseling services provided to missionaries and/or the local community, also includes recovery programs from addictions and prison ministry.
Deaf Ministries - Ministry to the deaf community, including a church and school for the deaf, a Bible translation project, and support and sign language training for families of the deaf.
Education - For those who are teachers, school staff or administrators of schools. This could be in a public, bilingual, or home school setting, but is specifically for those involved in children's academic education through working at a school. This does not include adult education or those whose ministries visit schools with evangelism programs.
Evangelism & Discipleship - Ministries whose primary goal is the spreading of the Gospel to unbelievers through preaching, teaching or one-on-one witness, as well as ministries whose focus is the discipleship and training of believers as they grow in their walk with the Lord. Ministries include: radio programs, community events for evangelism, street witnessing, work alongside of local churches and short term teams, as well as discipleship classes for people of all ages.
Medical Ministry - Ministries who provide health care through ongoing personal practice, clinics or hospitals. Many also bring short team medical teams, to come alongside of their ministries.
Missionary Care & Support - Ministries who provide care and support to missionaries working within the country of Honduras, such as through Spanish language training, cultural adjustment training, workshops, networking opportunities, retreats, etc.
Orphanages, Homes, & Foster Care - Ministries that run, support or facilitate children's homes, provide orphan care, or whose main ministry is foster care for at risk or abandoned children.
Short-term Teams - Missionaries whose main focus of ministry is running or leading teams for the ministry they are connected with. These short term teams include projects such as construction of homes, churches or schools, medical or dental outreach, evangelism, children's ministry, community development projects, and agricultural projects.
Pastoral & Other Trainings & Seminars - Ministries whose primary focus is to train and mentor local pastors, church leadership or community leaders.