Becoming a Member
Statement of faith
Prior to beginning the application process, please read through our Statement of Faith. Membership is open only to missionaries who share all of these core beliefs:
We believe:
In the Bible, the inspired Word of God: God-breathed and authoritative;
In one God, eternally existent in the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
In the redemption of our sins through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who willingly died for the sins of the world, having lived a sinless life, and defeated death once and for all as He rose from the grave three days later;
In salvation ​unto eternal life, ​by grace through faith, not of our own works;
In the Church​,​ as the body of all believers who have put their faith in ​salvation through ​Jesus Christ;
That the ​calling of all believers is to glorify God and proclaim the ​Good ​N​ews of God’s salvation to the world.
That marriage was created and sanctioned by God in which He joins one man and one
woman in an exclusive union.
Next, please complete the following form to begin the application process. Once the "Agreement with Statement of Faith" has been completed, our Membership Department will send you the application for your desired type of membership.