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Image by José Matute

+ Support Staff

Alex & Maggie Halbert

Iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia Soberana / Mission to the World Honduras | Tegucigalpa

Planting churches to see the transformation of people by the power of the Word

  • Administration

  • Diaconate roles

  • Short-term teams

Website | Website | Facebook

Brooklyn & German Figueroa

VER International | Siguatepeque

Seeking to break cycles of poverty among the most vulnerable of Honduras through programs in Education, Health and Hygiene, and Entrepreneurship

  • Business analyst

Website | Facebook

Chris & Jennifer Johnson

Heart 4 Children / Ninos de la Luz | Siguatepeque

Educating, equipping, and empowering Honduran children to make change

  • School (Prek-8th grade)

  • Reintegration center/boys home that can house up to 30 boys

Website | Facebook

David & Janelle Godoy

Christian Light Mission | Peña Blanca

Multifaceted ministry dedicated to the work of the Lord

  • Bookstore

  • Wood shop

  • Clinic

Website | Facebook

Donnie & Dana Anderson

Christian Relief Fund | Campamento

Breaking the cycle of poverty one child at a time

  • Administration, development, goal setting

Website | Facebook

Elizabeth & Jose Lopez

Nueva Esperanza | Tegucigalpa

Help keep families who are in poverty together by providing a safe place for children to learn and grow while giving caregivers the time needed to work and provide for their families at home

  • Child Sponsorship Coordinator

  • Supporting teacher growth and development

  • Enrolling new children into the ministry


Enya Bancroft Williams

Niños de Macuelizo | San Isidro

Being trustworthy beacons for community development by providing opportunities for children and youth

  • Community library and resource building for tutoring public school students, sewing classes, baking classes, art classes, and English language classes

  • Visiting and prayer ministry

  • House at-risk young ladies and help them find work

  • First aid services

Filipe & Karen Aires

Radiate Coalition | Francisco Morazan

Providing Christ-centered restorative whole-person aftercare to victims of abuse, trafficking, exploitation, trauma, and oppression, taking them from survivor to thriver and launching them into a spirit-filled life

Website | Facebook

Hee Ju Ling

Ministerio Pasos | Tegucigalpa

  • Volunteering with camps and other events for disabled children

  • Volunteer teaching English classes at local school

Isaac & Nissi Parrett

Ministerio Siervos Del Rey | Choluteca

Seeing communities transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and breaking the bonds of poverty and oppression that are prevalent in these communities

  • Church plant

  • Orphanage support

Jeanette Lang

The Seaside Sanctuary | La Ceiba

  • Helper

Jerry & Kathleen Jones

Bethesda Home for Boys/Casa Bethesda | Balfate

Rescue young men/boys from the streets, gangs, and extreme poverty situations. and provide a Christian home environment, education, and nurturing in order to become role models and Christian leaders

  • Chief Financial Officer

Website | Facebook

Kim Cassinelli

Ministerio Faro de Luz Honduras | Comayagua

  • English teacher at the Ministerio el Faro de Luz school for the poor and special needs children

  • Lives and works with young teenage girls and troubled unwed monthers at a Care Center

  • Author and contributing editor of Christian growth books in Spanish and English

Website | Facebook

Kyle & Melodee Webb

Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries & Ministries and CCI Fellowship | Tegucigalpa

To guide, support, and inspire others in God's call on their lives

  • Director of Communications & Website Development for (Melodee)

  • Director of Member Services & Connections (Kyle)

Website | Donate

Laura Ross

Armor of Hope Ministries, Inc. | Villanueva

Alleviate human suffering in impoverished areas through sustainable, faith-based development

  • Church Planting and leadership training

  • Care for elderly adults who lack family to care for them at our Casa de Paz

  • Equipping villages to engage in their own healthcare needs through education, specialized training and hands-on experience

  • Emergency medical transportation/emergency response team

  • Promoting learning for all ages and partnering with the local elementary schools through hands on learning at an Exploration Center and Library

Website | Facebook

Les & Cecilia Walker

Walker Ministries | San Manuel

Offer time, talents, and giftings to local churches, ministries, and orphanages


Mackenzie & Dino Herrera

HOME Community Center | Roatan

Hope, Opportunity, Mentorship, Education

  • Fostering hope in the lives of children by teaching them of their place in the family of God and by reminding them of and empowering their God-given capabilities

  • Providing opportunities for education, job training, life skills training, and business creation

  • Providing mentorship through spiritual formation, life training, teaching on value and virtues and living life alongside children

  • Providing educational support through individual tutoring, reading and writing classes in English and Spanish, computer classes and school sponsorship

Website | Facebook

Mark & Gaby Wolfe

Spanish Institute of Honduras  | Siguatepeque

Teach. Prepare. Support. Encourage. Experience.

  • Directors of the Spanish Institute of Honduras, a language school that trains  incoming missionaries in the Spanish language and Latin American culture

Facebook | Website | Website

Matthew & Kristie Martin

Martin Family Charity / Project E15 | Tegucigalpa

Reach | Serve | Teach

  • Curriculum creation

  • Fundraising

  • Mentorship for several pastoral, leaders and ministers within the four corners of Honduras

  • Support and partnership with several church-associated orphanages

  • Homeless (food/shelter) ministries

Website | Facebook

Misael & Jessica Guinn Luque

In the Midst Ministries | Talanga

To evangelize and disciple the people of Honduras by living life in the midst of them

  • Church planting

  • Evangelism

  • Discipleship

  • Children's Feeding Program

  • House Builds

  • Aiding couples financially and spiritually in establishing a legal, Biblical marriage

Morgan Ring

Nueva Esperanza | Tegucigalpa

Seeking to affect permanent change in the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical lives of poor children living in Honduras

  • Partnership Development Coordinator

  • Intern Host


Robert & Evelyn Shea

Church of the Nazarene | Tegucigalpa

  • Coordinate Construction, Ministry & Medical teams into Honduras through the Church of the Nazarene

Sebastian & Audrey Euceda

Liberty Networks / Fundación Gran Comisión | San Pedro Sula

Helping our neighbor in need leaving in them and their community the testimony of Jesus Christ’s love through community development and heart transformation with projects and programs

  • Sebastian: Voice Engineer & volunteer with FGC

  • Audrey: Fundraising Coordinator, Public Relations, and Mission trips Coordinator


Thaddeus & Bessy Boyer

Lighthouse Ministries, Inc. | Comayagua

Helping people grow spiritually and have a deep walk with the Lord

  • Providing basic needs for families as a means of sharing the gospel with them


Trenton Winkler

Project Hope | Santa Rita

To train fellow believers on how to effectively conduct ministry in this modern world for the local church context

  • Supporting the work of those directly sharing the gospel, adding to the church, and training fellow believers through IT support, audio/visual media, PE teacher (for Hope Christian Academy), and general assistance for the Pastor and other church staff


Wade & Etna Hampton

HIM Ministries | Intibuca

Consulting, counseling/coaching, and mediation, as well as pastoral theological training

  • Provide counseling and assistance to missionaries and law enforcement in Honduras and around the world.

Website | Website | Facebook

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