+ Support Staff
Elizabeth & Jose Lopez
Nueva Esperanza | Tegucigalpa
Help keep families who are in poverty together by providing a safe place for children to learn and grow while giving caregivers the time needed to work and provide for their families at home
Child Sponsorship Coordinator
Supporting teacher growth and development
Enrolling new children into the ministry
Enya Bancroft Williams
Niños de Macuelizo | San Isidro
Being trustworthy beacons for community development by providing opportunities for children and youth
Community library and resource building for tutoring public school students, sewing classes, baking classes, art classes, and English language classes
Visiting and prayer ministry
House at-risk young ladies and help them find work
First aid services
Hee Ju Ling
Ministerio Pasos | Tegucigalpa
Volunteering with camps and other events for disabled children
Volunteer teaching English classes at local school
Isaac & Nissi Parrett
Ministerio Siervos Del Rey | Choluteca
Seeing communities transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and breaking the bonds of poverty and oppression that are prevalent in these communities
Church plant
Orphanage support
Jeanette Lang
The Seaside Sanctuary | La Ceiba
Jerry & Kathleen Jones
Kim Cassinelli
Ministerio Faro de Luz Honduras | Comayagua
English teacher at the Ministerio el Faro de Luz school for the poor and special needs children
Lives and works with young teenage girls and troubled unwed monthers at a Care Center
Author and contributing editor of Christian growth books in Spanish and English
Laura Ross
Armor of Hope Ministries, Inc. | Villanueva
Alleviate human suffering in impoverished areas through sustainable, faith-based development
Church Planting and leadership training
Care for elderly adults who lack family to care for them at our Casa de Paz
Equipping villages to engage in their own healthcare needs through education, specialized training and hands-on experience
Emergency medical transportation/emergency response team
Promoting learning for all ages and partnering with the local elementary schools through hands on learning at an Exploration Center and Library
Les & Cecilia Walker
Walker Ministries | San Manuel
Offer time, talents, and giftings to local churches, ministries, and orphanages
Mackenzie & Dino Herrera
HOME Community Center | Roatan
Hope, Opportunity, Mentorship, Education
Fostering hope in the lives of children by teaching them of their place in the family of God and by reminding them of and empowering their God-given capabilities
Providing opportunities for education, job training, life skills training, and business creation
Providing mentorship through spiritual formation, life training, teaching on value and virtues and living life alongside children
Providing educational support through individual tutoring, reading and writing classes in English and Spanish, computer classes and school sponsorship
Matthew & Kristie Martin
Martin Family Charity / Project E15 | Tegucigalpa
Reach | Serve | Teach
Curriculum creation
Mentorship for several pastoral, leaders and ministers within the four corners of Honduras
Support and partnership with several church-associated orphanages
Homeless (food/shelter) ministries
Misael & Jessica Guinn Luque
In the Midst Ministries | Talanga
To evangelize and disciple the people of Honduras by living life in the midst of them
Church planting
Children's Feeding Program
House Builds
Aiding couples financially and spiritually in establishing a legal, Biblical marriage
Morgan Ring
Nueva Esperanza | Tegucigalpa
Seeking to affect permanent change in the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical lives of poor children living in Honduras
Partnership Development Coordinator
Intern Host
Robert & Evelyn Shea
Church of the Nazarene | Tegucigalpa
Coordinate Construction, Ministry & Medical teams into Honduras through the Church of the Nazarene
Sebastian & Audrey Euceda
Liberty Networks / Fundación Gran Comisión | San Pedro Sula
Helping our neighbor in need leaving in them and their community the testimony of Jesus Christ’s love through community development and heart transformation with projects and programs
Sebastian: Voice Engineer & volunteer with FGC
Audrey: Fundraising Coordinator, Public Relations, and Mission trips Coordinator
Thaddeus & Bessy Boyer
Lighthouse Ministries, Inc. | Comayagua
Helping people grow spiritually and have a deep walk with the Lord
Providing basic needs for families as a means of sharing the gospel with them
Trenton Winkler
Project Hope | Santa Rita
To train fellow believers on how to effectively conduct ministry in this modern world for the local church context
Supporting the work of those directly sharing the gospel, adding to the church, and training fellow believers through IT support, audio/visual media, PE teacher (for Hope Christian Academy), and general assistance for the Pastor and other church staff